Busy Kids 1000km Challenge for Barnardos

Thursday, May 7th, 2020 // BusyKids // Posted in Uncategorized

“Because Every Childhood lasts a lifetime”

This May 2020, Busy Kids have teamed up with Barnardo’s for their annual “big toddle” We would like to help them raise much needed funds.

Fundraising in this current climate is very difficult for charities and we have to think outside the box to do something everyone can participate in and enjoy. We have set ourselves a 1000km challenge which you can walk, run or cycle a certain distance during the month of May – this must be within the 5km radius from your home as outlined in the new covid-19 guidelines. For example: you would like to walk 2km with your child that would be 4km off our 1000km total. Or if you walked with 5 people in your household this would be 10km off our total.

Please donate to our Facebook fundraiser for Barnardo’s https://www.facebook.com/donate/1088865364815696/1088865384815694/ or if you do not have a Facebook page go to their website and Make a Donation https://www.barnardos.ie/how-you-can-help/fundraising/donate/make-a-donation and comment it is for the 1000km Busy Kids Challenge.


Instructions for our challenge:

  1. Wait for your nomination to be given from Facebook from your child’s teacher (if you are not on Facebook don’t worry you can still do the walk and send us the below)
  2. Propose your distance and email or private mail us your proposed distance with how many in your household are doing it
  3. Make a paper Airplane – instructions in this link https://www.google.com/search?q=make+a+paper+airplane&rlz=1C1CHBF_enIE867IE867&oq=make+a+paper+air&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l6.1983j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_MU2xXuCELY2k1fAPuKGB2As101
  4. Design a T-shirt for your walk (optional)
  5. Donate
  6. Post on your Facebook page and Tag @BusyKidsCreche (Optional) Note: when doing your video pretend “catch” the airplane thrown from your teacher and pretend “throw” it to someone you would like to nominate outside of your Busy Kids classmates. Also put the link for our fundraiser page on your post – https://www.facebook.com/donate/1088865364815696/1088865384815694/
  7. Let us know you have completed your km and we will total them all up at the end.
  8. Have fun 😊